Sharing God's Grace with the Other Victims of Crime

News & Events


Green pecans

I’ve heard the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Noting this, I must say that w...

End Of Year Giving

Please prayerfully consider an important year-end financial gift to help us with our annual funds. This will help us maintain and continue to grow ...

House Happenings

In the last quarter we’ve had 62 new families arriving to stay at Hospitality House. Two families from France, another Singapore, others from all o...

You Can Help By:

Praying for the ministry of the Hospitality House. Giving online at TheHospitalityHouse.org. Donating grocery gift cards - Kroger, HEB or Walmart....


Thanks God for Physics

My generation grew up with a common “parent tape” that remains in our heads: “Look both ways before crossing the road.” The rationale is that you w...

House Happenings

Winding Down Summer and Meeting the Challenges

As the summer winds down and a new school year quickly approaches, HHouse is busy providing backpacks and school supplies to all our families in ne...


It's All In Your Head

My first semester as a student at Howard Payne U. proved to be a real “awakening” for me as I naively took “Intro. to Philosophy” at 8:00 am Monday...

Hospitality House

House Happenings

Annual Ladies Tea

Our 9th Annual Ladies Tea was a marvelous success! So many gorgeous ladies in beautiful hats, fabulous table décor, laughter filling the room, an a...

Hospitality House

Extend Year-End Hope


Please prayerfully consider an important year-end financial gift to assist Hospitality House with our annual funds. This will help us maintain and ...

House Happenings

Laura, a mom in her mid-seventies, was exhausted after traveling from the Panhandle all the way to Huntsville to visit her son she’d not seen in 8...
