Sharing God's Grace with the Other Victims of Crime

What our guests say ...

News & Events


I Give Up!

If you wondered if it would ever arrive, well here it is, it’s 2025! Will you make this the best year ever? How will you do that? Do you need to gi...

Save the date

Don’t miss our 11th annual
Ladies Tea

April 26 th


from 02:00 PM-04:30 PM

Northside Baptist Church Huntsville

Call for more information
(936) 291-6196

Facebook note from one of our guests

“Finding the Hospitality House was an outpouring of God’s favor over me. Y’all got us through one of the hardest times of our lives and you facilit...

House Happenings

2024 was an incredible year here at Hospitality House as we experienced a resurgence in growth with 162 new families discovering the ministry. Each...

Texas Country Reporter TV show 🎬

In case you missed it on December 13th, the Texas Country Reporter TV show covered Hospitality House in an episode titled, A Welcoming House.Here i...

Save the date!

December 14 on RFD TV channel December 15 on TCR YouTube

Exciting News 🎬 Links inside 🔗 The Texas Country Reporter TV show just filmed a special episode featuring Hospitality House, and it’s airing so...


Green pecans

I’ve heard the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Noting this, I must say that w...

House Happenings

In the last quarter we’ve had 62 new families arriving to stay at Hospitality House. Two families from France, another Singapore, others from all o...

You Can Help By:

Praying for the ministry of the Hospitality House. Giving online at TheHospitalityHouse.org. Donating grocery gift cards - Kroger, HEB or Walmart....


Thanks God for Physics

My generation grew up with a common “parent tape” that remains in our heads: “Look both ways before crossing the road.” The rationale is that you w...
